Monday, August 9, 2010

Chapel of the Apparitions

The pedestal where the statue of Our Lady, mark the exact location where he was a small oak (missing due to the devotion of the early pilgrims who led, the sprig sprig), a meter and a bit of time over which our Lady appeared to the shepherds on May 13, June, July, September and October 1917.
The construction of the chapel was the response to the request of Our Lady "want to do a chapel here in my honor."

Built on the site of the apparitions in 1919, from April 28 to June 15. The first Mass was celebrated there on 13 October 1921.

Having been blown up in March 6, 1922, was rebuilt later that same year.
In 1982 we built a wide porch, and was inaugurated during the visit of Pope John Paul II on May 12 this year.
In 1988, the Marian Year, was lined with pine wood from Russia, northern Siberia. This wood was chosen for its durability and lightness.
The original chapel, although subject to minor repairs over the years, has traces of a popular shrine

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